Most PayPal users know that one of the things available in PayPal is to transfer money from PayPal to the card, but you've never thought about transferring money from Card to PayPal, and you've tried it, but you've found it impossible, and most people say you can't.
To take advantage of this method and transfer your money from the card to PayPal, you first have to access your PayPal account, and then if your account is in Arabic or French, transfer it to English to make it easier for you to explain, and you can change the language from settings.
After you've changed the language, now we're going to start explaining, all you have to do now is go to the top list and press the word Send & Request Payments as shown in the picture.
The website will then turn you into a simple destination, with 4 buttons, which we are interested in this post is the Creatinvoice button, which means creating a bill, which you will press as in the photo.
And then the website will direct you to the place of the bill, you will press the word Create so that someone will have to pay it, and that's the secret to transferring money from the card to PayPal, which is important to press the Create button as in the picture.
Then automatically the website will direct you to where the bill is created, where you have to fill out some of the data as shown in the photo.
In front of the word Bill to you will write your e-mail, and below the word Price you will write the price you want to transfer from your card to your PayPal account, you can enter up to $100 and no problem, and then you will change the coin to USD, which means Dollars, and if you do not understand anything, that is shown in the image.
And then you'll wait a little bit, and you'll get mail on your e-mail, with an estimated bill with the money you made and you have to pay it, and here's the secret, as you can see, after you open the e-mail and press the bill, you'll be asked to enter your credit card information so you can pay the bill, and you don't fear anything.
The way is effective, All you have to do is click on the View and Pay invoice button, as shown in the image.
Then he'll direct you to a page with the bill's information. So what you have to do is press the word Pay, which is on the top of the page on the left as in the picture.
Then the website will point you to a list, you have to put your information in it, your credit card number, your name, your address, so after you fill it in, you will press the Agree & Pass button.
Once you press that button, you will have transferred the amount you set out in the bill from your card to PayPal without trouble and quite easily.
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