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Bill Gates: We'll say goodbye to the phones soon..This is an amazing alternative, according to Bill Gates

 If the 21st century is characterized by something, it's rapid and amazing technological progress. In just over two decades, there's not much that electronic devices can't do. One sector that has been most invested in is the mobile phone sector. Our smartphones feature day by day, in which we store our personal, economic, professional, and social data; And if there's a reliable voice in technology, it's Bill Gates.

We'll say goodbye to the phones soon..This is an amazing alternative, according to Bill Gates

A businessman, known for founding Microsoft and developing Windows, is a regular businessman in the media for his views in all aspects. His predictions about the coronavirus are well known, as are other epidemics that could strike the world in the future. It is also characterized by the "prediction" of progress that will mean a revolution in our lives. His final "vision" is aimed at a technology developed by Chaotic Moon.

It's an American company, focused on software, design, and mobile hardware development. One recent development relies on biotechnology, through which they try to provide analytical and information-gathering functions to the human body. To do this, Chaotic Moon developed an electronic skin tattoo to collect and monitor medical and mathematical data.

This information, it seems, will allow for future disease prevention, as well as heart rhythm control for professional athletes. However, Bill Gates will be interested in this technology that will also allow calls and messages to be made.

Although these developments are not expected to arrive shortly, the billionaire wants them to arrive as soon as possible and replace existing mobile phones. To achieve this, Gates had launched studies to develop and master this technology.

Gates said this invention has interesting features. Among them, it emerges that a tattoo will be placed on the skin with compact microprocessors that help integrate it into the body.

Its main goal, which gave rise to the project, is to improve health and human life. In this way, the company's innovation will allow the person using it to monitor the medical condition in real-time and detect diseases long before they become serious.

According to Bill Gates, this product could be developed to the extent that it would replace mobile technology. With this set of special chips installed in the body, people will be able to perform all cell phone functions without being affordable, from calls to sharing information.

Although his diagnosis is rather hasty and there is still much research to come, Bill Gates is sure of what he is doing and has already invested part of his wealth in this new invention that could revolutionize humanity in a few years.

These tattoos will be temporary and contain special ink, combining special chips with other new developments, which will deliver electricity to feed various sensors and tracking devices.
