WhatsApp said that from its launch of multiple devices last year, there was an increase in the number of people accessing the platform directly through their web browser via WhatsApp Web. With this mind shift, WhatsApp looked for ways to add additional layers of safety to the WhatsApp Web experiment.
WhatsApp noted that users can now use Code Verify, an open-source web browser extension that automatically validates the App Web code that is introduced to your browser. Code Verify asserts that your WhatsApp Web code has not been tampered with or changed and that the WhatsApp Web experience you get is the same as anyone else's, and WhatsApp says that Code Verify works in partnership with Cloudflare, which is We hope this at-risk user gives peace of mind.
WhatsApp added that the Code Verify extension is offered by Meta Open Source and will be available in the official browser plugin stores for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox. The extension does not record any data, metadata, or user data, and does not share any information with WhatsApp. Nor does it read or access the messages it sends or receives. Neither WhatsApp nor Meta will know if someone downloaded the Code Verify extension. In addition, the Code Verify plugin never sends messages or conversations between WhatsApp users to Cloudflare.
Once installed, Code Verify will automatically run when you go to WhatsApp Web and act as an alert system in the actual time of the code provided to you on WhatsApp Web. Installing the extension with your web browser toolbar will allow you to see its results without any additional steps. You can think of Code Verify as a passcode for your WhatsApp: Code Verify will run immediately, and if the WhatsApp Web code is fully validated, the Code Verify icon will appear in the browser in green. If Code Verify appears in orange, it means you need to update your page or another browser extension overlaps with Code Verify. In this case, Code Verify will recommend the suspension of other viewer attachments. If Code Verify appears in red, it will indicate a potential security problem in the WhatsApp Web code that is provided to you.
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